Emne: nyt digt, en ensom biker's digt, en Goth Bikers. 20/9/2013, 14:03
i am riding alone, but not always ( Negativ/positiv )
i has always been a lone wolf, a lone raider of my bike. nobody's its around me, when i drive, lonely on this road. my travel in life it's just begin, and i feel's it's over. nobody it's in my way, but no brother's beside me. im a lone wolf, a lonely fighter, a lost warrior on my bike. only one more fight, and i be victory, but it's a fight i never win. look me in the eyes, and feel my false warm, and seek for my own cold. my way it's straigt ahead of me, when i drive in the night. you never know, it's you did seen me, or just seeing a ghost. im a empty shell of this cursed world, so i drive, on my bike. on my personaly road in this dammit world, there look down on me. im a goth biker, there ride alone, but i am who i am, so don't fight me. i know my brother's will be behind me, in front of me, beside me, it's i need it. but i don't need it, i ride alone, in this world, on my bike, without feelings. a angel never die, but sometimes he's soul die, and then i need to ride alone. i miss them riding, next to me, i feel there shadow next to me too, forever free. the spirit, of the free mens, the call of duty, to ride with the brotherhood. but i die, so i will always ride alone, in this cursed world, but i never die. my soul was broken, i was a destroyed bastard, but i will never die the world will remember me, a rebel goth biker, riding on he's bike. a biker who don't give a fuck abort other's word or meaning. living by he's own rules, but also a lovely wolf, but a lonely wolf too. i miss them riding beside me, my beloved brothers, there were scared of me. they faced to fight at my side, i will always feel there shadow next to me. people thing i smile, but it's just a lie, i hide behind my mask, when i ride. plz don't stand in my way, when i ride, because i won't stop my bike. but when you smile to me with a warming in your face, i feel my cold heart melt. yea i will stop my bike, and take a talk, maybe ride beside of you, in the life travel. i did see you smile, maybe it's a mask, but i understand, and i just ride beside of you. but i can't forever, i got some problem, there can fight you, and i don't want to hurt you. so i drive away from you the next morning when you were asleep, driving alone another day. its you want to follow me, you warm my heart, but i can be hard to drive with. a goth biker's travel of the life's road, do you want to travel with me?
endnu en lille del af hvad og hvem jeg er, håber i kan lide det, vil høre sangen som er en del af mig osse og kommentere hvad i syntes :)