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admin nyheder

Admin Expressen #16 kan du læse hér!.

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Dugfriske nyheder - Admin Expressen
never surrender ( Dallas og Stef til Teddy, kamp sang ). Icon_minitime31/5/2017, 20:24 af Millicent
Admin Expressen #16

Hey Newworld , this is a ghost speaking

Eller.... i hvertfald en af dine admins, som igen er begyndt at røre på sig...
Vi ved at mange sysler med eksamener lige nu og …

Kommentarer: 29
Nyt miniplot! (Admin annoncering)
never surrender ( Dallas og Stef til Teddy, kamp sang ). Icon_minitime6/6/2017, 15:25 af Sean
Hejsa kære brugere! :)

Beklager jeg slet ikke har de samme farver eller billeder som vores kære @Millicent!
Men mon ikke vi skal finde ud af det alligevel?

Det er med stor entusiasme …

Kommentarer: 12


 never surrender ( Dallas og Stef til Teddy, kamp sang ).

Go down 

Ingame Titel: : Oberstløjtnant.
Race : an Elder.
Navn. : Nathan Steele AKA Dallas.
Alder : 44 krop's mæssigt. har levet mere end 3000 år.
Evner/Classes. : Marksman ( Mafia Blackguard Elite )
Bosted : i mafia'en hovedbase.
Tilhørende klan. : Mafia'en. rang: BlackGuard Elite, medlem af den berygtede The Clown Crew.
Partner. : havde engang, men hun blev taget fra mig.
Slaver. : slaver er for de svage.
Evt. bemærkninger. : naah, ingen bemærkninger, jeg overlever bare som alle andre.
Antal indlæg : 189
Reputation : 5
Join date : 27/06/15

never surrender ( Dallas og Stef til Teddy, kamp sang ). Empty
IndlægEmne: never surrender ( Dallas og Stef til Teddy, kamp sang ).   never surrender ( Dallas og Stef til Teddy, kamp sang ). Icon_minitime10/12/2015, 13:49

en sang jeg og Stef skrev til Teddy, da han er helt ude og skide i sorg.

every breath you take, is our breath, we will never give in! ( Dallas ).
we see you are in pain, our brother, you sorrow is our sorrow ( Dallas ).
we can see you are broken by sickness in the soul, by the lost of loved ones ( Stef ).
we can see youre soul has been torn apart, we see that you slowly surrender ( Stef ).
would you let is fix you, let us unbreak you, let us support you with our wings? ( Dallas ).
you sit alone, with the pain in you're heart, do you believe you are alone, brother? ( Dallas ).
you're broken smile, it eats me alive, and i can't turn away anymore! ( Stef ).
we will support you, all of youre brothers will support you, all of us! ( Stef ).
every breath you take, is slowly taking you away, we has wacthed you fade away ( Dallas ).
plz never surrender to the dark, in you're broken soul, of so many wars has been fighting in ( Dallas ).
we won't let you give in, we won't let you sit in pain, in anger and sorrow, we know that to well ( Stef ).
we know the pain, we know the hate, we know the sorrow, we know it all and more yet to come ( Stef ).
so plz, turn away from the dark path you has been walking on, come back into the light! ( Dallas ).
because is chrismas time, and we know it's hard, when you lost that one who you made you're soulmate ( Dallas ).
but we hope, that one day, she will remember you're charming smile, you're warm heart, and come back to you're arms ( Stef ).
we know you drink alone, we know you discuss with everyone around you, we know you seek the lonely path ( Stef ).
but we will not let you fade away, one's again, to the dark cell, we will never surrender you! ( Dallas ).
you are a ghost, whats left of the charm and warm inside yourself, Teddy, but never give op the light ( Dallas ).
you feel alone, you sit alone, you think you are alone, but you're brothers, friends, family, will always back you up! ( Stef ).
plz stop staring in pillglass, plz come back in the light, we will open our arms for you! ( Stef ).
we can't let you go, you are our brother, and we fight together, in summer and winter ( Dallas ).
we will stay with you, near you, to the end, when it all has to be the end ( Dallas ).
you will see us in the corner of you're eyes, with a lot of bros in the back ( Stef ).
your empty smile, will always keep us alive, for as long we smile, we can fight alive ( Stef ).
we know you can't keep fighting the sickness, but you will never be alone! ( Dallas ).
every breath you take, is our breath, every time you drink from the bottle, we drink too ( Dallas ).
because we stay together, because we are all sick in the soul, left by the system and law ( Stef ).
we are the scum, that nobody wants to help, or talk abort, because we are the sick ( Stef ).
and my dear brother, we will tell you, that you never will sit alone, because you are with us! ( Dallas ).
SO, plz keep fighting the sickness, the pain in youre soul, we will always back you up every day! ( Dallas ).
because we are in this together, when our loved ones fade away, in the dark in our soul ( Stef ).
so plz, stop staring in the pillglass, with the bottle at the deck, plz keep fighting! ( Stef ).
take my hands, and rise again, with new strengt, because you slowly kills yourself! ( Dallas ).
come on, lets fight together, brother, like always, with busting muscle! ( Dallas ).
plz, don't surrender to the dark, in the broken soul, like some of us did ( Dallas og Stef ).
plz, don't fade away in the dark, we will be you're guide into the light again ( Dallas og Stef ).
we will take you're arms into our shoulders, and carry you into the light ( Dallas og Stef ).
because you are worth fighting for, you are worth a lot alive, because you may be sick ( Dallas og Stef ).
you may feel alone, but you mean something to some people in this cruel world ( Dallas og Stef ).
so let us carry you, let us be you're support, let us help you, our brother! ( Dallas og Stef ).
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never surrender ( Dallas og Stef til Teddy, kamp sang ).
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 Lignende emner
» den sidste julesang ( sang fra Dallas, Teddy, Stef og flere )
» we can't keep going on ( broder sang, halvt digt halv sang )
» en kamp du kunne have undgået(Makuro)
» Mr. Teddy (Engelsk digt)
» This is the alpha! ( sang! :D )

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