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admin nyheder

Admin Expressen #16 kan du læse hér!.

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Dugfriske nyheder - Admin Expressen
beware of the wolf! ( Digt ) Icon_minitime31/5/2017, 20:24 af Millicent
Admin Expressen #16

Hey Newworld , this is a ghost speaking

Eller.... i hvertfald en af dine admins, som igen er begyndt at røre på sig...
Vi ved at mange sysler med eksamener lige nu og …

Kommentarer: 29
Nyt miniplot! (Admin annoncering)
beware of the wolf! ( Digt ) Icon_minitime6/6/2017, 15:25 af Sean
Hejsa kære brugere! :)

Beklager jeg slet ikke har de samme farver eller billeder som vores kære @Millicent!
Men mon ikke vi skal finde ud af det alligevel?

Det er med stor entusiasme …

Kommentarer: 12


 beware of the wolf! ( Digt )

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beware of the wolf! ( Digt ) Empty
IndlægEmne: beware of the wolf! ( Digt )   beware of the wolf! ( Digt ) Icon_minitime26/11/2013, 19:13

da Mama Misha har spurgt os om og være mere aktive så jeg er igang med en ide: mit nyeste digt, sender gerne mine gamle ind, hvis jeg kan få 5+ responds på mit digt, om i vil have flere ;) ^^ happy time begins now! but beware of my dark side, he may take off your pants xP nå ej xD her kommer det :3

Beware of the wooolf, on the roads!.
in the snowy mountain of the nord.
the lone wolf is always ready for war!.
with sword and shield, ready to march!
on the command of the gods!
beware of the wolf, in the night!.
a silent hunter, a lonely warrior!
he may take you down, from the shadow!
he will always be bound to travel.
day after day, after day, to he's death.
he is of serpent's kin, born of sin, the father of the wolf.
he will always be alone, from birth to death bed.
he may get the warm of a women, but then he be gone.
he is born to hate, to fear, to be alone.
the lone wolf is a vile beast that cannot be tamed!
a wild beast that can't be restrained!.
he is bound of death, from he's birth, born by good blood.
raised by he's own evil mind, betrayed by he's own lies.
will always be the lone wolf.
beware of the wolf, in the night, in the forrest, in your home.
born of sin, dark within, father of the lonely wolf, a death soul.
the lone wolf is not evil, just with a diffent soul, born from sin.
dark within, thansk to he's lies to protect the wolf.
father of the wolf, because he is more wolf that human!
human body, human hair, human organs, but wolf's soul, wolf's living ways!
he is near the gods of the nord, for the wolf is near, born of sin!
he is serpent's kin, for he's lie, and agains all odds, he still fight!
a fight inside himself, to be the real wolf, with a real happy smile.
there will stop fight for death, but start fight for life!
beware of the wolf, he has awake with he's true nature!

undskyld det er lidt negativt men da også positivt i det, det bare om og finde det ;) have fun, kids, not you Makuro, get into the bed O.- xD tyt >w< ej skal nok være god hehe ^^ kærlig hilsen Bobo vovsen ;) :3
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